Saturday, 1 February 2014

dayhome, arctic, snow, ice, penguins, polar bears and not enough pictures!!

I have really started falling down on taking pictures, my poor third baby.... so this theme there is not a lot to show, but here is what we did!

White playdough, snowflake college, cutting snowflakes (which there was nothing to show for put a big pile of tiny pieces of paper and a half hour of fun!), ice painting, snowman cupcakes, snow in the water table, spray coloring snow, making ice cream, penguins in the water table, penguin college, black and white cookies, penguin finger puppets, penguin matching game, polar bear song, ice fishing, ice bergs in the water table,  and had planned on doing polar bear hand prints and making igloos, no interest in these activities though!
so here are the few pictures I did get,
 ice cube painting! could have used a little more food coloring in the ice cubes, but worked good enough!
 snow man cupcakes! best thing about doing snow themes after Christmas is clearance items! I bought snowman cupcake kits, and a pin the carrot on a snowman game that we played for cheap!
 ice bergs in the water table!
 ice fishing! they loved this, I made fishing rods out of dollar store dowels, and tied magnets to the end, then cut fish out of fun foam and put a paper clip on the nose.
I had a brilliant idea to ice fish in water, but it was a total bust. the fun foam kinda sticks to the water and I couldn't catch anything!
afterwards I asked the children if they would like to decorate our fishing box, they were SO excited to do that!

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