Tuesday, 26 June 2012

seasame street! day home

before i start let me say my oscar game and cookie monster game are totally inspired from my very creative cousin!

we started the week with rubber duckies in the water table, can't remember if i took a picture or not but i can't seem to find one.
 then the buttons went in! Kayla was in love!
 the boys made there own puppets
 pretty creative!!

 this did not relate to seasame street but something i did with the children.  We borrowed a kit from the city of lethbridge and with Nic's help, went and painted yellow fish on the storm drains! this was actually more successful then i thought it would be, and blake keeps asking when we can go paint fish again!
I forgot to pick up a small garbage can for our oscar game so we just used a big bowl.  There was crumpled up newspaper that they threw in the garbage.  This activity again was created by my cousin, i just copied her wonderful idea!
Then i made beanbag cookies for them to throw in cookies monsters mouth.  Again, copied from my cousin, this one i changed slightly but still Heather's idea!

 marble painting! again not really related to seasame street just something that seemed fun.

there's my seasame street characters again! oscar looks a lot better then my sad cookie monster. and i didn't have a chance to laminate that one before playing so it took a beating. oh also note! if you make beanbags from rice, make sure they don't get wet!
hail storms! i scooped a bunch of hail from the last storm and brought it in. unfortuately the children decided to eat it instead of play with it....gross.

still to come, zoo! if i can ever get the pics off my camera card!

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