Monday, 25 February 2013

red week/valentines-day home

Our week started out with a package of fun foam hearts from the dollar store, oh the possibilities!!
We did a heart hop, this involves taping the hearts to the floor and having the children hop from heart to heart!
We did a heart search, same foam hearts, hidden around the playroom in all different spots, i hide them a few times and let the children find them and then they start hiding them for each other.
Then of course we did crafts with the hearts!
I sewed to hearts together to make little heart envelopes.  The valentines college stuff was out all week for art, there is ribbon, tissue paper, smaller hearts, flower petals, and more!
Of course we also made valentines! My son decided to make valentines for himself while all the other children were making them for their parents!
 Hmmm!!! Fruit salsa with heart shaped tortilla chips! Perfect valentines snack!
 So every year that I have had my day home I have planned a valentines party with extra friends.  This year with so many bugs going around and being just pretty worn out in my current pregnant state with just my 5 I did a slightly more low key valentines party, as in just my day home children!  Which was perfect because I ended up having the quietest day at the day home with 2 children not quite sick but just not their full energtic selves.  ANYWAY!! I felt so guilty about just doing pita pizzas instead of my usual heart shaped pizzas, until of course i served them and the meal that is normally devored! was mostly thrown out.  SO! speaking of pizza, this is an excellent opporunity to sneak veggies into my son!!  I either make my own crust or use those little tiny whole wheat pitas, then do a layer of pureed red peppers under the pizza sauce, and wa la! my son eats veggies!! He has actually seen me put the red peppers on, and yet still eats the pizza knowing there is an extra ingredient, but ask him to eat a red pepper! yea right!!
All right, moving on!!
 I served as many red/pink things as i could come up with for snack along with more heart shaped tortilla chips (home made, there is cinnamon and a tiny bit of sugar on them). 
 Valentines pancakes!!! Sadly they looked nicer on the pan then cooked...
see what i mean?
Anyway! That was valentines week for us!!

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