Sunday, 9 September 2012

F,G,H and I- Day home

F, G, H and I.

Tuesday, F.
We went fishing at the river stone park, had fruit and freezies for snack, and played with frog feet!
 i have no idea how to rotate photos on this blog!
 These shoes are hilarious! I got them from super store on summer clearance, they squeek when you step and the little pink tongues stick out. sadly of the 2 pairs, 1 is already missing the tongues.

As i have mentioned before i do not post pictures of the day home children, so there is no pictures from fishing that i can actually post, but they really enjoyed it!

Wednesday is G,
We had a guessing game.  I made a box with a small opening, the children reach in and try and guess what they have grabbed before they pull it out.  I had it filled with things that start with G, glasses, grapes, girls, g.i.joes, giraffe, gorilla, and i few other i can't remember. Again, can not post pictures from this! and of course we had grapes for snack.

Thursday, H!
H is for Heart!
We made heart shaped cupcakes, to try and avoid everyone eatting a lot of icing we had them with strawberries and powdered sugar on top.  The cupcakes were from scratch and i used less sugar then needed, so they actually weren't too terrible of a snack.
our activity was heart hopping. i taped foam hearts to the floor and the children hopped from heart to heart.
Friday, I.
I is for Ice cream!
We made ice cream!  The children added the ingredients, stirred it up and i had them roll up the teddy grahams to make cookie crumbs for cookies and cream ice cream. it was tasty!

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