nic's parents took our kids to the farm for a weekend and it was amazing! friday night we went out to see hit and run, we thought it was hilarious, although must not have gotten good reviews because there was no more then 20 other people in the theater, on a friday night...
saturday night we went out for dinner to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary, which was monday.
as for the rest of the weekend, mostly i just cleaned. i did go to the mall and try all kinds of clothes on, because i could! i bought a new dress and relaxed, then cleaned, organized, sorted toys, all that really exciting stuff that never seems to get done when you have kids behind you undoing it all!
i also dragged our hideous old couch out, that nic has refused to get rid of. he still has not either noticed or commented, and i somehow managed to bring a desk from the basement up to blake's room. i put his dresser in his closet, took the toddler bed out of his room and put in a desk. his room seems so much bigger now! don't mind the unfinished paintings againing on the wall...
another highlight of the weekend was waking up sunday morning and heading to whoop up where i ran down the westside hill, across the bridge, up the south side hill, then back down that hill, across the bridge, and up the westside hill. it was a big run, i have never run both hills in one run, i've walked and biked but never run, so i felt pretty proud of myself for that run. anyway, so thankful to my inlaws for the wonderful break! glad to have them home again, but so nice to have some time alone with my husband and sometime alone with just me!
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