Friday, 9 December 2011

Kayla is 2!

My baby girl just turned 2! She opened a baby doll on the morning of her birthday which she has taken to bed every night since.
Enjoying a cupcake on her birthday! 

Kayla has developed quite the personality! She loves to smile for the camera and sings 'cheeeeeeeese!'.  Kayla, is a happy girl, but he definately while make herself heard if she is not getting her way! 

Kayla got a new baby for her birthday from one of her favorite families!  She has been very busy feeding her baby, she has 3 favorites right now that are dragged around everywhere.  Even though she is surrounded by boys toys Kayla has definately shown a preference to the girlie toys.
Kayla loves to read books, especially before bed.  Her favorite book is the toddler version of the paper bag princess.  We read that one every night, she loves the part where the dragon burns the forest, and when he snores.  Kayla is a very cuddly girl, she is always giving out hugs and kisses to almost anyone!  The boys are already after my beauty, Kayla often gets a hug and a kiss from the day home boys before they go home. 
Kayla has a love for shoes, this is why she is missing a tooth!  Yesterday she put on these shoes then stomped laps around the kitchen while laughing like crazy.  Kayla likes to do laps, at the playground, at home, at grandma's, she walks or runs or pushes something around and around.
All dressed up, now time to call some friends!  Kayla has discovered the dress up drawer and makes a good attempt at getting as many pieces of clothing on as she can.
Kayla LOVES santa! We went to see him last night, so today she has been busy calling him on the phone.  The photographer gaves Kayla 5 candy canes after seeing Santa, she had them in her pockets as she ran down the mall aisles.  When the candy canes would slip and hang out she would stop, yell 'mama help!', then start running again as soon as the candy canes were in her pocket the right way.  She also made a very good attempt at eatting all the candy canes.

Kayla is very interested in art.  She loves to color and paint, although she can not be trusted with colors on her own, she colors EVERYTHING!  This week Kayla has been introduced to glue!  For someone who does not often sit still she spent quite a while carefully squeezing glue out then placing little sequins in it.  Kayla may look a lot like her daddy but she is alot like her mommy.  My mom has said on more then one occassion 'she is so you!'
Kayla put this tutu on over her pj's and said 'pretty'.  Not sure why she decided to hike it up like a dress....

Well, what else can be said about Kayla, we love her!  She is a joy to be around, and really I don't know who doesn't love getting a hug from her! (oh wait, i do...Blake).
Just a note to any readers...i proof read AFTER i hit publish, same goes with my emails and any other electronic posts, it's not so effective but i'm sure you can figure out what i'm saying.  Also, while typing this i have been watching a TERRIBLE made for TV Christmas movie, that really doesn't seem to have anything to do with Christmas....

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