My baby is now 4! I can't believe how fast he is growing and how much I love him! Blake is a quirky kid who always makes me laugh, he loves reading books....
He enjoys dressing up, hats, shoes and of course his dragon or shark costume. Blake likes music, and enjoys dancing to HIS songs.
Blake loves crafts but he doesn't often draw, this is a T-rex he made that i love!
Again with the dress up.
Blake LOVES dinosaurs! I have bought zoo passes the last few years and Blake loves going. We always have to go through the dino exhibit, although i don't know how much he actually sees of it. He's always so excited about it that he runs through it so fast. Blake is sitting beside me as i type, informing me that this is a trycertops with 3 horns. (i can't spell dino names..) he also knows t-rex and anklyosaurs.
Halloween crafts!
Blake currently does not like getting his photo taken. If you looked through my camera you might think i had a favorite, but i don't! Kayla is just always so willing to get her picture taken and Blake is NOT.
Blake loves his Daddy, and spends alot of time helping him, in the garage, and outside.
Again with the dress up! Blake loves puzzles, i think he is very skilled for his age. Blake can do 50 piece puzzles with no assistance at all. He has done a 150 piece puzzle with very little help as well.
Every once in a while Blake decides he wants his picture taken, he poses and then wants to see it right away.
Again with the posing.
Blake wanted lightening mcqueen cupcakes for his birthday.
Blake is very loveable with his mommy and daddy, (he is fairly selective about giving out hugs and kisses to other people). Every night before bed Blake needs a hug, kiss and a big noses. And of course he needs a big hug and kiss from Daddy before he leaves to work. He always asks me to put my arm around him while we sit on the couch and read books. And has now started asking for a hug, kiss and noses before school. He also asks me to sing little bunny foo foo before bed too, he picks one of his bedtime stuffies that i use to bounce around and then bop on his head which he thinks is hilarious!
Blake is in school again this year, we have tried a new preschool and he seems happy there. He seems to really like teacher Anna. Blake now has his friend Bella in his class, their teacher says the 2 are inseperable. Friends are very important to Blake, he still talks about Beth often and loves the day home boys coming and often asks for them on the weekend, although he plays so much rougher with boys they still play pretty well together.
Blake is growing and learning, he is starting to learn his letters, he knows what letter everyone in the day homes name starts with. This morning he was practising making letters out of his cheerios on the table.
Blake can be very theatrical when he plays, and he is SO loud! His dinosaurs and bad guys roar and talk in deep voices. I love sitting and listening when he is playing with his toys. I've noticed his toys usually have good manners; 'oh thank you, oh it's no problem your welcome.' 'hi, how are you, my name is buzz.'
I think Blake is a pretty amazing kid, he always makes me laugh, and my heart felts every night when he says 'good night mom, i love you!' Or when he says 'mom, i need a hug and a kiss'. I am excited to see him grow and change but i also want to stay right where we are for a while longer.
Happy Birthday my 4 year old! (yes 4, he may have told some people, including his teachers, that he is 5, apparently he wants to start kindergarten and he was told he needed to be 5.....)