Wednesday, 11 December 2013

K is for Kayla! Dayhome

|K took some time to come up with activities, there's not a lot that starts with K!
here is what I came up with;

K is for Kite, we decorated kites, unfortunately there was no good kite playing days during K week.
 K is for Kabob! we made fruit kabobs, with marshmallows (helped the fruit stay on!)
 K is for Kayla!!
 K is for Keys, we did key rubbing. then blake came up with the brilliant idea to make keys out of parlor beads! so started a month long parlor bead obsession!

 K is for Kernels! the idea was to glue kernels in the shape of a K, they did not last long at all in this activity!

names! day home

im over a month behind!
the children have been very interested in names and letters and what everyone's letter is. So for the month of November I planned each weeks activities around each child's letter.  first letter was H, here are the H activities I came up with

this was not quite as successful as I hoped, paint chips are very thick and hard to punch! each child had 10 chips and the idea was to have 1-10 holes on each chip.

 Hedgehog! we read Hedgie's Surprise by Jan Brett (tons of H words and 2 H characters in this book!) and then we made Hedgehogs!

 Hearts! folded toilet paper rolls, for heart stamping!
Hands! we made hand prints and basically just got covered in paint!
a few gross motor activities Hockey, and Hopscotch, and hide and seek!