Friday, 1 November 2013

thanksgiving and lady bugs DAY HOME

 the children were ladybug crazy! so I planned a few activities to go with a lady bug theme,



I had 3 different lady bug crafts, here is one of them, lady bugs and spots|!

 another lady bug craft
we also went on many lady bug hunts, made a home for the lady bugs in the back yard, read some lady bug books and collected rocks with plans to paint them as lady bugs but we have not yet gotten to that!

here are 2 thanksgiving crafts we did.

We also talked about what we are thankful for, pretty sure someone answered lady bugs!
Blake wanted to bake a cake, so we decided to do a cookies and cream cake, basically adding broken up oreos to a white cake. Normally you would have small chunks of oreos all through the cake, however, I let 2 boys do the cookie breaking and well, all that was left was crumbs! so we had a nice grey looking cake! still tasted good, just not quite as pretty as normal.

this activity did not follow any theme, my children have been asking for snow (I know, really snow!) so I did the old cornstartch and shaving cream mix up. OH SO FUN!! I was right in there with the kids! It is seriously so much fun! mixing it up squishing it, rolling it. We left it for a bit then when we came back it had hardened up enough that you could form it.

kayla loves to get messy!

pumpkins and halloween! DAY HOME

Here are some of our Halloween and pumpkin themed activities. green water and a whole lota pumpkins!
 cookies! so much easier then making icing, I give everyone a blob of dough and some toppings they decorate (and of course sample) then cook them!
 ta da!
 not so sure what was happening here....
 our pumpkin cake! I got the brilliant idea from pinterest to make a pumpkin cake using to bundt cakes. it was HUGE!! we made it pumpkin flavoured as well, which was perfect as I had 3 helpers and we made the batter twice (2 bundt cakes...) so there was lots of ingredients to be added for everyone to have a turn helping!
 pumpkins and snow
 pumpkin shakers. I did regret this craft a little....they were quite loud!!
 our crafting mess! qtip skeletons
 qtip and chalk skeletons
 sorting, I had 3 pinchers, and a collection of things that the children tried picking up with the tongs. the googly eyes were pretty much impossible! then they sorted and filled the pumpkins with the
 our spider web! great gross motor activity!

another activity that we did was hiding pumpkins. I had a whole stack of foam pumpkins which I hid all over the playroom. the children searched for them then continued to hid and search for an entire afternoon! here is blake hiding pumpkins

 my kids all ready to trick or treat! we had a ninja turtle, strawberry (turned banana) and sofia the first!
 Alices first Halloween.

turtles! Day Home

 well i have a few ninja turtle crazed children in my day home so I decided to expand on the turtle theme.

 turtle matching for different abilities, they could match the colors, letters or spell turtle.
 Making turtle shells!
 kaylas shell
this has nothing to do with turtles, but seriously, how cute is she!

 bottle bottom turtles!

 because I could not find enough turtles we added frogs for this activity, floating lily pads,
 so there was a box of wipes packages in the playroom...who knew that would be such a fun toy! the children stacked them, lined them up, jumped over them, walked across them and so on!!

 green playdough, there was a couple turtle cookie cutters and turtle toys to make turtle shell printings in the playdough
 the completed shells!
 turtle cookies!
 a turtle coloring sheet
im sure there was a few more activities but this theme was from the beginning of September so long since forgotten all we did!