another lady bug craft
here are 2 thanksgiving crafts we did.
We also talked about what we are thankful for, pretty sure someone answered lady bugs!
Blake wanted to bake a cake, so we decided to do a cookies and cream cake, basically adding broken up oreos to a white cake. Normally you would have small chunks of oreos all through the cake, however, I let 2 boys do the cookie breaking and well, all that was left was crumbs! so we had a nice grey looking cake! still tasted good, just not quite as pretty as normal.
this activity did not follow any theme, my children have been asking for snow (I know, really snow!) so I did the old cornstartch and shaving cream mix up. OH SO FUN!! I was right in there with the kids! It is seriously so much fun! mixing it up squishing it, rolling it. We left it for a bit then when we came back it had hardened up enough that you could form it.
kayla loves to get messy!