Yes, those are potatoes with chocolate chips on them. i couldn't think of anything better to use for eyes, but the potatoes worked perfect as ghosts!
Don't think i really need to explain the carrot jack o lantern...
And of course the classic witches finger wiener wraps.
oh she is so cute! if only i could take a little credit, she really looks like nic and nothing like me.
Blake was dressed up as a shark (not the dinosaur costume his grandma so lovingly made him). But currently Blake does not really like his picture taken, so i had to sneak one! Kayla figured out trick-or-treating very quickly and did not miss a house! When Blake was the same age he figured if he had 1 candy in each hand why did he need anymore? Not kayla, she collected candy from everyhouse the kids went to. and of course we went trick-or-treating with some favorite friends.